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👀🍿 - Yesterday
God I wish they would slower grow Zahara to not have to deal with psycho teens sidesn.n - Yesterday
@Zahara the only issue with that is by then it’s too late, she has entered that zone where all she is & ever will be is F.U.N. - Yesterday
….. The hell are you talking about? We’re talking about in the general sense, why throw your skeletons out? - Yesterday
Not my fault if he seems to think the grass is greener when he all ready got the Kentucky bluegrass.. and he kicking himself after .. sorry not sorry - Yesterday
And it is his fault if he keep trying to get the goodies and he already got 2 females u might not know my worth but I do - Yesterday
Okay.. but maybe all he had to do was be honest bout the schit n it would not been an issue ?? Can't fault u if I know what I'm walking into .. - Yesterday
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