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Most users are numb to being miserable. Words have no sensations, no touch no reality it's all in your head. This is like a mental situation going on. Like zootopia fantasy topia - 1 hour ago
Jade_VinRouge I meant no disrespect towards any of the users but this has been going on for too long. Your not born to live in a world made of words and imagination. You can have so much better. - 1 hour ago
Tempting_Zahara working towards your goals and living your dreams will make reality better and eventually you'll meet the right people whom naturally vibes with you. - 1 hour ago
Drags hara away.. okay I forbid u to post anymore poor Reds cb .. take it to there cb or urs plz .. ty .. no more posting hara -_- - 1 hour ago
You're not being a good person for involving and encouraging others into it. Your selfish think about it if you love your friends you won't do this. - 1 hour ago
Reality is different then roleplay it's just words. There's a whole life full of adventures out there when people stop procrastination and start to live. Be free of guilt and wondering what could be - 1 hour ago
I died twice and still came back to this place after leaving for 4years 😂🤣😂🤣😂 - 1 hour ago
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