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Covered by his onyx tailored hooded cloak except for the ghastly frosted fringe resting across his brow. Grey oculus gives off a stone cold gaze that could penetrate deeply into ones soul c. - 2018-08-03
to those fortunate enough to peer upon this creature. Finishing the ensemble with a pair of Italian leather boots engraved with Enoch runes c. - 2018-08-03
Pinions of Onyx razor steal brought forth by will. Spanning on full extension of 12 feet. - 2017-08-19
The Tips barely gracing below the ankles. Always in Black Apparel for he stays out of sight from his targets - 2017-08-19
hunting in the shadows, waiting to strike.. Rose tented shades shield his haunting glare for protection on others. His very Glare could very well cause decay upon ones Soul.c - 2017-08-19
With his own ability he can will them to bring forth petrifying effects. A spoken word he can call upon his Draconic Soul Wraiths, the serpent like creatures linger around him when summoned c. - 2017-08-19
Another companion you will find in the presence of this Reaper, is a Raven. This Raven has his own abilities.. He can track those who linger in the shadows,c - 2017-08-19
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