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☆The story☆ You may have already heard the news but there is this incredibly charismatic, popular and gorgeous duo taking the furry adult industry by storm - 2018-06-29
♡c♡ lately, a set of foxy twins known as Nix and Nox Knotz and it can always be expected that one of them takes the center cover in any dirty furry magazine you pick up nowadays but strangely the - 2018-06-29
♡c♡ two saucy siblings have never been shot together, for a very good reason: they are the same person! When very young this Kit was signed up for a test experiment to treat a very rare - 2018-06-29
♡c♡ terminal illness using plant stem cells and DNA because plants hold such good healing rates and regenerative abilities, while it did cure them of the illness the floral DNA fused with - 2018-06-29
♡c♡ their furry genetics and gave them the ability to alter their gender like a lot of plants, able to adapt their body completely to the opposite gender in the span of a day. Though this would - 2018-06-29
♡c♡ be a shameful curse to most people this cunning fox found a great way to utilize it as an advantage using the sculpted, smoldering male form known as Nox for - 2018-06-29
♡c♡ female mags and yaoi purposes and the curvacious, stunning female form of Nix for male and yuri oriented customers, using their strikingly similar resemblance for a twin cover story. - 2018-06-29
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