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((I've done nothing wrong. You should understand that I care dearly for my friend, & her rooms, I would respect whatever rule Your room had, why can't you do the same?)) - 15 hours ago
U all can get ****ed im sick of that kok sucker causing drama **** ur rulez u all can get ****ed 🖕🖕 - 15 hours ago
((I may as well not rp in rooms today or tonight..The bully/troll is at it again..I tire of this..I have had enough..)) - Yesterday
((I am not sure who this is, but, I am sorry to hear it..)) - 3 days ago
I'm saying goodbye to rp. I'm done with the drama - 3 days ago
- 3 days ago
Ooc: Not fun, but mostly only because of anxiety. Luckily I was put to sleep for it. And now, so far so good. Not really any pain right now, but that could be the oxy pills. - 3 days ago
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