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Walks in inspecting the goodies reads the note "awe that was sweet of her.. hope she knows Jade ain't getting any of this" proceeds to eat the food before it gets cold - 1 minutes ago
Hands catching the kitchen doorway breaking his fall seeing his kitchen been glittered almost got angry until hues spot steam from a container he smiles knowing who was behind it c/ - 6 minutes ago
Waken from his slumber stumbles out of bed first checking the closet for any surprises seeing nothing changes his clothes before heading downstairs trips over a shoe c/ - 12 minutes ago
. - 1 hour ago
diving through the window all swan like as she dips and doges her way back home, numbing to herself "I'll feel that later"* - 2 hours ago
of different assorted meats and eggs, with a warmer containing different muffin's with a note "For Both My Loves Wyntr and Jade" keen hearing picking up sounds she forgot her backpack and she ran C - 2 hours ago
finding an open window she peeked in all peeping Tom like before slipping in, removing the backpack she set to work coating his kitchen in a beautiful Aqua glitter, leaving a heated container full C - 2 hours ago
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