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basket that had reheating instructions as well as a thank you note, a dozen wildflowers laid atop with a card that read Jade leaving the basket upon the porch she wondered back to her home* -g- - 46 minutes ago
*catching him away she would bring up a basket full of brownies, cupcakes as well as a few premade meals she had made, along with a bottle of Blue Wine a note was attached to the C - 47 minutes ago
Tis was enjoyable while it lasted. Maybe next time you could stay a little longer - 5 hours ago
*Slides in broom in hand to clean up the glass * - Yesterday
Laughs historically "Jade? You can't be serious MonkBat. Sure everyone loves her but not because of a spell." - Yesterday
Whispers to the man 🦇first my name is MonkBat and t's Jade.. this makes perfect sense as to why nobody wants to help me defeat her. She has everyone under her spell. Gonna help me stop her?🦇 - Yesterday
"gonna have to call the cleaners now. What are you going on about Monkey?" Contained his laughter watching monkey landing on his face - Yesterday
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