Stacey_Fury Login
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what up kids? the weather is fine outside. how about Kylie’a water pressure? - 2021-01-20
The Fock? - 2021-01-20
Hunter told me in mail that cowboy butts drive him nuts so i said go ride one and ran away from him - 2021-01-20
Naw hunter wants nudes of Bea Arthur from Golden Girls that's what he's into - 2021-01-20
the "keyboard warrior" takes his stance before drawing his trusty laptop sword from its sheath. An with a quick type of A, S, D, F & J, K, L, : - he renders his opponent slain an lifeless. - 2021-01-20
Aww are u jelly of the dogs cuz they make better lovers then u .. And sorry i dont want ur nudes dear u got me confused with bubha or ur brother johnny redneck - 2021-01-20
Hunter as i said on ur pro Your the joke 45 year old man acting like a 12 year old keyboard Warrior - 2021-01-20
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