Tempting_Zahara Login
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👇💯 thank you 💚 - 1 hour ago
You’re overgeneralizing your experience. Just because you had a bad time somewhere once doesn't mean that all roleplay communities are bad or toxic. I'd suggest some CBT therapy to help you. - 1 hour ago
Not everyone who roleplays on this site is some weird, emotionally damaged individual. Some of us like D&D and Warhammer and can write well. If that's not for you, then leave. No one cares. - 1 hour ago
Some of us are here because we’re writers. Like that, my literal profession and it started because I roleplayed on this site. It honed my writing skills to a point I could make it a 6 figure career. - 1 hour ago
When I was in the similar situation I wish someone could've gotten me out and that is why I'm here - 5 hours ago
Proud of - 5 hours ago
I'm here to encourage and how will you get out of depression if you don't work towards the life you want but only run away to escape it reliving it repetitively when you can work towards a life to be - 5 hours ago
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