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*turning her glare to Wyntr she tosses water at him* 😜 - 3 hours ago
Wipe to clear his face of the water he saw the quarter hit Zahara's forehead laugh bursted of before it was muffled by his hands - 5 hours ago
*pulling them both up from the water a quarter hit her in her forehead turning sh seen Jade* lady - 5 hours ago
Steps in and makes a wish tossing a quarter into the fountain ! :p - 6 hours ago
Hues locked while underwater he smiles formed before bubbles rapidly flowed from pout as he didn't have time to intake fresh air - 6 hours ago
*as their body floated up breaking the kiss she took in a fresh gasp of air before sinking back down with him smiling as arms wrapped around him* - 6 hours ago
Receiving her kiss as the sprayer forces their bodies back to the surface he smiles mid kiss before the sprayers turned off sending them back underwater - 6 hours ago
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