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hello frnd? - 2017-12-02
hey i would like to be your friend can u plz accept me - 2015-12-05
Hey,my friend! Just checking in to say hello and tell you I pray Lee has come to know Christ as his Savior. Hope you're doing just fine. - 2015-03-08
Pleas pray for Lee whos in hospice w 2 months to live that he come to know Gods salvation if doesnt. & 81 man very ill. Also all on way to heaven but hurtg in any way s. Ty. Dave - 2015-02-21
Prayer needed 4 my dad-age 91 veteran in rehab & being abusd by newer wife, sons & family. Ty. God pleas help thm & all in such xs-startg w beieg lost. In Jesus name amen. Vjv viv vjv @---- - 2015-01-26
Wishg ea of u & all in ur lives a happy healthy & blessd New Year! @---- vjv viv vjv - 2015-01-01
i think ur a nice pers0n hope we can be gud frendz im majie25yrz old from makati philipines and u? - 2014-12-24
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