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*Zahara slips into the males domains with a lollipop stick protruding from betwixt violet lips delicate fingers reaching to grasp at the paper stick popping the lolli from her mouth* hiya handsome - 2 days ago
Seems like it o.o - 2 days ago
Looks @ feeds. :O dang is it really that's serious? - 2 days ago
*cheeks became a crimson in color as she listened to him* thank you Miss Jade I shall do my best to keep your daddy as well as yourself happy - 3 days ago
"guess that settles it. It's official" smiles looking at the 2 ladies in his life - 3 days ago
If it's a contract he has no other choice though Miss Jade or he will put me in a deep sleep. But as I said I will do all I can not to hurt him - 3 days ago
Now you know Shane wouldn't kill you but I trust you won't (f) - 3 days ago
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