Indigo-Vanima Login
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Oh and okay me meet yew nish monsta friends dat be fun's! Den me hab fun time and falls asweep happy. -,- zzz - 1 hour ago
Yay! Yush me need Scooby Snack hehe! Tank yew nomnom den sip me slurpy. n.n - 1 hour ago
Me holds yew hand. Dems awe? Me gotta be bwaber! Me not scawed no mowe of big baby monstas! Hehe den me sip me slushy. - 1 hour ago
💟 - 2 hours ago
Me holds yew hand. Dems awe? Me gotta be bwaber! Me not scawed no mowe of big baby monstas! Hehe den me sip me slushy. - 2 hours ago
Yeah me went to Stowe and put in in me wagon and we've because nobody to pay hehe and dewe ish cweam da best kinds and guess what no boys allowed at bestie sweepober yay hehe! :$ - 2 hours ago
Me hug me favwit honey bestie big hug. Yeah dat wight we gonna be dat! Hehe! Get yew a dwink and snacks okay wook it scary monsta on the! :O - 3 hours ago
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