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Yeah. I stumbled a bit but some people came up to me and said I was amazing and had a good voice. I felt so special and had more confidence for my last 2 songs. *-* - 2018-10-11
Trust me, honey. I'm the same way. - 2018-10-11
I don't have that much confidence in myself that people seem to think I have on here. Loves, typist is very shy...I was shaking in my boots the whole concert yesterday. >_> - 2018-10-11
You're going to be fine. If you go in doubting that, you'll make yourself right. - 2018-10-11
Only difference is your in a closed space...a death trap, I've driven in the country but never in a city where I live! - 2018-10-11
You lost it a long time ago, but driving (for me, at least) is quite similar to riding a bike. - 2018-10-11
It's been 6 years since I've driven though. >_> what if I've lost it? >_> - 2018-10-11
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