Zafina_Stone Login
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🤠 - 2024-05-24
🖤 - 2024-05-24
You’re just some fat pos who almost killed our niece irl from stress and then we hated you ever since. You can fnck off. It should have been you. - 2024-05-24
She’s not just a name on a site for me. She was my rl sister. My flesh and blood. I watched her kids grow up, bought her Christmas, sent her stuff on her bday was with her on her divorce day. - 2024-05-24
How about you let go and stop acting like you knew someone you didn’t speak to for years while I’m over here consoling her actual children and picking out dresses for her funeral. Ahsshole. - 2024-05-24
Or do you need a hand at learning how to let go? Let me show you how it's done.✌️ - 2024-05-24
If girls on airG would just cut guys like you off and let them starve, you’d leave and be one less problem for this site. THATS the change I want to see. - 2024-05-24
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