Tempting_Zahara Login
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You're welcome love *giving him a soft smile she moved the cover back over him clicking the remote on the arm the TV came on for background noise turning the volume down she laid r.arm over his C - 14 hours ago
Lids slowly opens uncovering himself from the blanket l.hand takes the Advil and r.hand takes the water he took them quickly as he hated taking pills "thanks love" - 14 hours ago
into the drawer closing she leaned back offering him the aspirin* love I got them right here, she leaned as she offered reaching for his cup to hand to him as well* and your water - 14 hours ago
*moving her hand she leaned to her left opening the side drawer to the stand she pulled out a bottle of Advil opening she shook until two fell out before replacing the lid and putting it back C - 14 hours ago
Nods his head lids remaining shut due to pain "yes please. Hurry back though you hands are soothing" - 14 hours ago
Mi Amor just being with you is perfect enough for me *words a whisper as she leaned to press a soft kiss to his forehead* I got some Advil if you need some love - 14 hours ago
Her touch made him smiles calling out to her "Zahara.. sorry I ruined movie night.. ugh my head" - 14 hours ago
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