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We can just agree to exist. If you aren’t mature enough to understand that concept… I’m not sure what else to say. - 2024-06-18
[3] Healthy boundaries. On the topic of real life, unless we have an established - 2024-06-18
friendship outside of airG, my life is none of your business. I won’t ask about your personal situations, either. I don’t care. In the event you don’t - 2024-06-18
know me and you are reading this: I’m married. I have children. I’m a university student. I’m also a little effed up mentally from trauma. That’s about all - 2024-06-18
you’ll need to know. Don’t spam me, because as I’ve mentioned- I am human and I have a busy life. Also, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ASSOCIATE WITH ME IF YOU . - 2024-06-18
OR YOUR CHARACTER IS UNDER THE AGE OF 21, Unless I know you personally (but I’m super picky about that). - 2024-06-18
[4] As far as copyright, don’t steal or duplicate my character, ideas associated with it, or - 2024-06-18
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