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A smirk formed in the corner of his feature hues checking the time on the wall offering his r.hand to her "remember I told you about our next date? Come or we'll be late" - 22 hours ago
Still tasty*sapphire hues could be seen from over top shades as she looked up at him before removing the glasses* - 22 hours ago
Admires her cute reaction to being bopped her words made him chuckle as he stood straight "no I'm more like aged cheese minus the odor" - 22 hours ago
*r.brow quirked upwards as she listened to him before nose curling in a cute manner as he bopped her* you're aging like fine wine yourself mi amor - 23 hours ago
"oh no I'm old love. Unlike you I don't age like fine wine" he playfully said as he bends down meeting face to face index bops her nose - 23 hours ago
*shanking her head on a laugh as he complained about being old* you're not old mi amor, you're welcome - 23 hours ago
Knees popping as he struggles getting back up "oh gawd I'm getting old" he muttered under his breath he smiles at her choice he could envision how it'll turn out "mhmm.. I like it. Thanks love" - 23 hours ago
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