Jade_VinRouge Login
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Giggles 🤭 ooh no Daddie can't be mad at u I don't wanna get u in trouble lol 😆 - 1 minutes ago
How could he? I will take you he can't be mad at the both of us could he 😁 - 2 minutes ago
Aww 🥰 it's Soo amazing she squeak in excitement hmm 🤔 wonder if Daddie be mad if I gotta green tatt - 3 minutes ago
*a smile rose as Jade took her hands taking a deep breath in she released her hands turning around she pulled their r.shoulder of her top down revealing a blue and green Phoenix she had tattooed* - 30 minutes ago
Seeing she was nervous she held her hand .. I'm sure coming from you we will most definitely live it 🥰 - 35 minutes ago
*words coming more nerve than before* I... I... *growling at herself she smiled* I did something for you and your father that I hope you both like - 44 minutes ago
She smile warmly at the woman who captured her father's heart an brought more happiness back into the family ..yes hara 🌹 - 50 minutes ago
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