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She places them upon his chair then goes and crawls into her box like cage and closes the door - 2019-09-16
Walking in with several dozen Rose's some stained with her blood in intricate blood designs upon the black and white Rose's with red ones as well. Know he would want to know where she got them - 2019-09-16
Seeing him motion for her to come to him. The way she rose made it look like a graceful dancer as her feet barely touch the ground. Reaching him her tiny frame melted to her knees before him with his - 2019-09-16
* he sits there watching her motioning with his finger as the come here motion* - 2019-09-16
Knowing her Master would most likely would love a cup of tea. So she brewed him a cup of peach and passionfruit Made her way to his door kneeling in the doorway waiting to be noticed - 2019-09-16
Walking into his inner office as she carefully made her way to him. Stopping in front of him she knelt down lowering her head as she lifted up the tea cup for him to take - 2019-09-15
Enter my girl - 2019-09-15
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