WyntrFenix Login
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If it's a contract he has no other choice though Miss Jade or he will put me in a deep sleep. But as I said I will do all I can not to hurt him - 51 minutes ago
Now you know Shane wouldn't kill you but I trust you won't - 53 minutes ago
or you - 1 hour ago
Sweetheart if I ever hurt your daddy and I will write out a contract if it makes you feel better. If I hurt your daddy you can ask Shane to kill me because that is the last thing I want to do to him C - 1 hour ago
"yes she does make me happy. You make me happy too cuz you made me a father and a better man" - 1 hour ago
Daddie does she make you happy? Cuz long as you happy then I'm happy and it's a yes .. please don't hurt my Daddie tho nana he is all I got really 💚 - 1 hour ago
a promise. And you know I don't break a promise unless I absolutely have too - 1 hour ago
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