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Screams historically unable to see while being carried away all he could think was "Oh gawd this is it. I'm gonna die and I haven't even said my goodbyes" - 10 hours ago
She cuffs his arms behind his back holding a spork to the mid of his back .. do as ur told n no one gets hurt - 10 hours ago
Pulls up in a large van placing a potato sack over his face two large dudes lift him up and carry him away into the van .. hey watch it he's fragile merch.. they - 10 hours ago
*giggling she nodded* I agree love - Yesterday
Hues spot the barrel tilts his head dodging the nerf shot at him without breaking Zahara hold on him "dàmnit Trux. Let's go inside love.. my face isn't safe out here" - Yesterday
slowly sticks her sniper nerf gun barrel past a corner and shoots it at his forehead - Yesterday
What are sisters for though *lacing arms around his shoulders as she spoke* she just needs not to damage this handsome face - Yesterday
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