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Shrugs his shoulders "I guess you pulled a fast one on me" knowing the bacon he ate has a paralyzing àgent embedded in it - 26 minutes ago
also ur ice tasted like koolaid whats up with that? -pokes head out of fridge as I ask- - 32 minutes ago
I can manipulate ice , fire and earth ^~^ im not a average wolf -says digging around in the fridge tail wagging out the door- - 32 minutes ago
-eyes turn ice blue as the ice begins to cover my whole body reforming as a light layer of ice armour shielding my Wolfe body as I grins and runs into Fenix kitchen and opens fridge for another pack o - 33 minutes ago
Turns to Zahara "what should his punishment be love?" - 35 minutes ago
Nods at his answer "lick all you want (pause lol) but that ice isn't going anywhere.. so admitting to the crime results in a punishment - 36 minutes ago
also bacon better when u ninja it :0 - 40 minutes ago
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