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"don't give me that look.. I won't say out loud" turns his head to avoid her look but knows she's staring a hole into his skull - Yesterday
*moves her head as she narrows her gaze upon him* oh you have me intrigued now mi amor - Yesterday
Lifts his head he shook it no "nope I'm not breaking my promise" softly laughs - Yesterday
*sapphire hues shifted upward as she could barley see his hair from where she was* oh no do tell - Yesterday
Smiles listening to her leans his head a top of hers "I won't say what I wanna say as I promised to keep it PG but I understand. I don't have a problem with that" - Yesterday
though I should warn you now I have a hard time saying no to things and all creatures will always be welcomed if you want them - Yesterday
*watching him stand and move towards her his hand taking hers she smiled as she leaned her head against his shoulder as she watched the newest addition* I do Mi Amor I would of don't the same thing C - Yesterday
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