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*r.brow quirked upwards as she listened to him before nose curling in a cute manner as he bopped her* you're aging like fine wine yourself mi amor - 9 hours ago
"oh no I'm old love. Unlike you I don't age like fine wine" he playfully said as he bends down meeting face to face index bops her nose - 9 hours ago
*shanking her head on a laugh as he complained about being old* you're not old mi amor, you're welcome - 10 hours ago
Knees popping as he struggles getting back up "oh gawd I'm getting old" he muttered under his breath he smiles at her choice he could envision how it'll turn out "mhmm.. I like it. Thanks love" - 10 hours ago
*eyes widen hearing him she could see the kitchen in her mind nodding her head* cherry wood would give a splash of color plus the smell is heaven and never fades - 10 hours ago
Suddenly snaps his fingers of his free hand turns in front of her squatting downward "what about the kitchen be a wooden design? Like a beech or maple? Hmm maybe redwood" - 10 hours ago
*moves r.hand up to lay upon his l.as he rested upon her shoulder* changes can be good if done for right reasons tis why I do daily now that I met you - 10 hours ago
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