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Covered by his onyx tailored hooded cloak except for the ghastly frosted fringe resting across his brow. Grey oculus gives off a stone cold gaze that could penetrate deeply into ones soul c. - Weeks ago
to those fortunate enough to peer upon this creature. Finishing the ensemble with a pair of Italian leather boots engraved with Enoch runes c. - Weeks ago
Pinions of Onyx razor steal brought forth by will. Spanning on full extension of 12 feet. - Weeks ago
The Tips barely gracing below the ankles. Always in Black Apparel for he stays out of sight from his targets - Weeks ago
hunting in the shadows, waiting to strike.. Rose tented shades shield his haunting glare for protection on others. His very Glare could very well cause decay upon ones Soul.c - Weeks ago
With his own ability he can will them to bring forth petrifying effects. A spoken word he can call upon his Draconic Soul Wraiths, the serpent like creatures linger around him when summoned c. - Weeks ago
Another companion you will find in the presence of this Reaper, is a Raven. This Raven has his own abilities.. He can track those who linger in the shadows,c - Weeks ago
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