FragileDolly Login
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(Reads from top to bottom. No comments.) - Weeks ago
Dolly use to sit on a shelf lifeless, black eyes unable to move and see her surroundings. She only left that shelf when her mother wanted to [c] - Weeks ago
play dress up or act as if Dolly was a baby. Her mother believed in magic and dabbled in witch craft but never could do what [c] - Weeks ago
she wanted, have a child. Dolly's mother tried many different ways but no luck, and she refused to adopt. She looked at Dolly as her own though, dressing [c] - Weeks ago
her up in Gothic clothing just as she had. Her mother owned a herb shop and a new costumer came in, they seemed interested in the different herbs [c] - Weeks ago
and even asked questions. Dolly's mother liked him. They talked, spent many nights even days just talking away. But one [c] - Weeks ago
day she voiced out her want, the want to have Dolly alive, and he immediately offered, reminding her that magic always [c] - Weeks ago
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