WyntrFenix Login
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Darts after the wolf into the woods realizing he's too fast extents his arm "not today Wolfie" freezes him in place since his fur was covered in water - 6 minutes ago
Oh snap -bolts off into the woods feeling water spray me eyes wide as I dart past trees still holding bacon for dear kife- ahhhhhhhh - 14 minutes ago
*quickly turns and sprays the wolf* that was my bacon *tossing the hose down she turned to look at Wyntr* he stole my bacon mi amor - 15 minutes ago
-quickly makes escape out back door as I trots off with packs of bacon- - 37 minutes ago
-watches from afar snickering as while Fenix is being sprayed i sneaks in and raids his fridge for bacon- 🥓 😋 - 40 minutes ago
Eyes widen seeing the garden hose he tries shielding himself with no avail "no wait.. I didn't mean it. It was an accident" - 46 minutes ago
pressing the nozzle she sprayed him from his feet to his head laughing* - 59 minutes ago
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