Msbossy13 Login
Full Name: ReAdY tO bE iN mY bAbY's ArMs...
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sign: Scorpio
Description: LoViNg HiM iS gIvInG hIm ThE aBiLiTy To BrEaK yOuR hEaRt, BuT tRuStInG hIm EnOuGh To KnOw He WoNt!
Interests: ReAl ****s OnLy... Im TiReD a YaLl MeSsAgInG mE n NoT tAlKiNg BoUt AnYtHiNg...I aInT gOt TiMe 4 GaMeS!
Body Type: Average
Education: High School
Region: Michigan
Country: United States
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