Full Name:
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sign: Scorpio
Description: iiLoVeeHiiM sO fHuCkInG mUcH ii JuS wIsH hE kNeW tHaT! hEz ThA rEaSoN iM hAppY.. wIvOwT hYm Id FaLL aPaRt It WuLd Be LyK hAlF oF mE iZ mIssInG iLuu GaZZ
mOrE tHeN aNyThInG iN tHiS wOrLd<3 JuS tRuSt Me PlZ bUb LeT mE sHoW yEwHH
Interests: -_GaRRy WaLtEr RoNaLd SmiTh-_<3;; BaYbEE yEwHr MuHH oNe[&]OnLy,, IdK wAt Id Do If Ih LoSt YeWhh.. YeWhR mUhh EvErYtHaNqq
!! AfTeR tRyiNq Too MaKe ThiNqZ wOrK wiV sO mAnY pPl ThEn HaViNq MuHH hEaRt BrOkEn" Im So GlAd Ih FoUnD yEwHH bAyBee ILUU
Body Type: Slim
Job: Self Employed
Salary:> 100k
Region: ||SunnyGunnyBiitch||
Country: Australia