celinet0tx Login
Full Name: --shERiLYn!ü
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Libra
Description: --iM sHEriLYn buT u cn cAl me cELinE..iM fan of tXting,chAting,malLing,listening muSiCz,nd hanginG oUt w/my fREnz..i LOve d0ez pip0l hu resPect nd acept me 4 hu am i.. I h8 d0es pip0l hu kipx oN cRiticzng othER piP0l..
Interests: -- i liKE d0ez gUYs hu seeZ d bEAUty of a gRL insdE..ohL i wAnt ix a gUY..a guY hu cn pR0vE 2 mE dAt dEY r n0t ohL d sAmE.. Nd a guy hU'l n0t leAve mE bC0z oF s0meb0dy eLsE..ü datx ohl
Body Type: Slim
Education: High School
Job: Student
Country: Philippines
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