Full Name: "u wOnt LikE mE OnCe u gEt tO knOw mE"
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Capricorn
Description: -> NaOhj.. cOoL.. FuNny.. cRazy.. jOLLy.. mOody.. SimPLe.. eaSy tO pLeaS.. en mOst sPeciaLLy im GORGEOUS..
Interests: some1 quiete mature & wonderfuly handsome.. Some1 i can dance with 4hours en never get tired.. whO sEes mE onLy onCe but wiLLing 2 put everyting On d Line & nOt quit untiL thEy havE mE ! & soMe1 whO can accept my wOrst behaviOr yet stiLL on my side !
Body Type: Fit & toned
Education: University
Country: Philippines