Full Name: â¥Maria Cristina TorrefieL Cruzâ
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Taurus
Description: 'time heaLs oL wounds' its nt true. Scars remaiNd unheaLed. As much as i wNt 2 beLiv iN 'asLoNg as we botH shaLL Liv' ders riLi No sucH tiNg as 'Happy eNdiNg' Life is crueL, so is foLin inLuv in d wroNg persoN at d wroNg pLace in d wroNg time♥
Interests: Id Luv to foL inLuv sumday, sum1 i can coL my owN, kiss in d moRning, hug at nigHt, to waLk & to groW oLd wid. Im simpLe, kiNd, hoNest, thoughtfuL, sweet, responsibLe, opeNminded & matuRe eNough, & dats wat im Lukin 4 too in a maN♥
Body Type: Slim
Education: Post-Graduate
Job: Self Employed
Salary: 10k-20k
Region: NCR, Manila
Country: Philippines