Full Name: .',cArLa rIcA,'.
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Cancer
Description: .**** heiGht.mapuTi.sImpLe.d hIgHER yr in ouR dEpt.t0ld me "cArLa supLada pe0w cuTe aman"hehe.and my frEnZ t0ld me i aM "em0" c0z s0mtimEs i hav my oWn w0rld.wla aq0ng pkialam xa paliGid q.haha!bT no 1 cre's h0w i plAy my r0lE beC.diS is me~cArLa~
Interests: .listening luV soNgs..learning h0w to play guitar & g0ing s0mwEr wer in i cAn relax..& hav fun..il0vE adventUrE..hehe..c0ol!
wEn it c0mes tO b0yZ i lyK d maN w/ a sense of huM0r..at kasundO q xa kal0k0han..haha.!lyK my bf.l0vE it!
Body Type: Slim
Education: University
Job: Student
Region: ||
Country: Philippines