Full Name: x!a c r_a_z_e
Ethnicity: Mixed
Description: Allah's 1dRful cReat!on,smply pRetty ch!n!ta,a Real peRson,luvz humoR,cRazy but n!ce lol
,an oRdnaRy human be!ng cpable of do!ng oRdnaRy th!ngz n xtRaoRdnaRy wayz,peRvz,moRonz fond of flthy talk back off!
u'R not wlcme n my ma!lbox....c!ao!
z,chatt!ng,fam,fRenz,bookz,mus!c,ppl,places,money,fudz,dscoveR!ng new th!ngz...
Body Type: Slim
Education: University
Job: Self Employed
Salary: 10k-20k
Region: Washington
Country: United States