Full Name: f☆eythz TenOr¡o
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Capricorn
Description: >>zeRYosoNg mGMahaL peO UALANG mgZerYOso
, mAalaGA, maUNWAin, THouGhtFUl, mb8, mKhuleTz, stICk tO oNe, hoNEzt, fRIENdLy at hGit xAH lhAT "ZIMPLENG" tao lnGx aCUhH at mei TkOT xA DIYOs... 'm awZo swEet lyK a chOcol8 sYRup...<< nyahaha. . . ! !
Interests: SuRfiNg inTErneT, daNCinG, reADinG bOokS, texTinG, chATtiNg, haNg oUt w/ fRIEndZ. >>I wud lYk to MEET new "FRI3NDZ"<<
--->ATtitUDe: mb8, chaLap kxMA at kAUchap,dOWn to eARth,C.R.U.S.H, meI tKOT xAH DIYOS, cAn tRUSt, poZITve 'n lyF. . ! <<
Body Type: Lots of love
Education: High School
Job: Student
Salary:> 100k
Region: iN JESUS CHRiST's KiNGDOM =]
Country: Philippines