Full Name: Maryam Abdullah
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Cancer
Description: prp8(s.a.w)said:''B very creful f u make a woman cry bcoz 4JJJ1 Counts her tears.Evry tear a wman shEds S Equivlent of man's scrifices n lyf.D wman came Frm a man's S rib,not on hs F8 2 be stpped on:not on hs head 2 be suprior,but on hs syd 2 be equa
Interests: Readng Qur'an.rdng hdith bout prp8.lstning ayat Qur'an...and chatting w/frnds...special ang mahal ko..
Body Type: Slim
Education: High School
Country: United Kingdom