Full Name: Jianne [Maka Albarn]
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Sagittarius
Description: Maka is d meister of d scythe s0ul eater evans..and d main female lead..she is y0ung but dedicated student who takes after her m0ther..she makes a gud team w/ s0ul,but is pr0ne 2 nagging and violent outburst whenever s0ul does s0mething f0olish. . ..
Interests: She's smart,luvs reading b0oks nd d0ing puzzles..she's frndly nd kind yet stubb0rn,c0mpetitive nd vi0lent..she's m0stly kn0wn 4 her c0urage,.willing 2 thr0w herself at any enemy,n0 matter h0w str0ng dey are..''seri0us pers0n who tries hard">dr. stein
Education: High School
Job: Student
Region: _DWMA,Death City/central luzon
Country: Philippines