Full Name: Y u WoNnA nOw MaH nAmE?
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sign: Virgo
Description: LiVeS aRe B!TcHeS tIlL wE dIe So FaRhH dA WoRlD aNd LeTs GeT hIgH XD
Interests: I loVe YuHh JaKe YuRh So AmAzInG. I lOvE dA wAy U kIsSe MeH aN hUg MeH iT gIvEs Me BuTtErFlYs An ThE wAy U sAy U lOvE mEh Is So SwEeT iLy JaKe Ur Da WoRd To MeH nEvA lEt MeH gO xOxO
Body Type: Slim
Education: High School
Region: Ilovejakehemeansdaworldtomehim
Country: Australia