Full Name: ..+ 15 +..
carlheeN tricia...
..+ weeeh+
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sign: Aquarius
Description: ..+ ' c0z wEn y0Ur 15
nd sUmb0dy teLx u dEy l0v u. . Ur g0nNa bElieve dEm..anD wen y0ur fifteEn..fEelng lyk dErx n0thng t0 fiqure 0ut,wel c0unt t0 ten,take it in dix ix lyf b4 u knw hu ur g0nNa be...fifteEn... .>>amh cutE,kind,h0next,frendly
Interests: ..+oh , i just cnt get enuf im astUte , i nid t0 fil mE up. . .it fEelx s0 gud it muxt be l0ve c0z
everythn' dat ive beEn dreAming 0f ..i gve up i gve in i lEt q0 . .letx begin. .c0z n0 matter wat i d0
,> > frendx and maNy... ^^, heEheE..... ,
Body Type: Fit & toned
Education: High School
Job: Student
Region: , iN jUstiNdrEw's wOrLd,..
Country: United States