Full Name: bhEiibii_LyN
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Taurus
Description: yOu miGht see me LaugHing, kidDinG anD not takiNg tHinGs sEriousLy... BuT beHinD thOse laUgHterS iS a hEart thAT sOmewHat saYs:i'vE beEn hUrt aNd eM juSt trYin' to be sTroNg..x'(
Interests: ' jeLousy ' it iS thE moSt sTupiD feeLinG i don'T waNt to feeL ..
Body Type: Average
Education: High School
Job: Student
Salary: 10k-20k
Region: hoþeLesS roMantiÇ
Country: Philippines