Nhaiomi Login
Full Name: Cherlene Rebolledo
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Gemini
Description: i usuaLLY dO whAt i likE, havEn't chAngEd jusT bEcOz i madE a lucKy discovERy. ThaT iS whY i triEd mY vEry bEst tO bE humbLe aLways. I aM whaT i aM, i cOUld bE simpLe yEt withOuT A FaLsE mOdESTy thAt sO maNY pEople tENds tO poTray..
Interests: I lovE pLAYing guitaR especiaLLy hiLLsongS, ListeniNg worShip musics.. etc., anD aBOuT my ambitiOn? WeL, WhAt i rEaLLy waNt iN lyF iS jusT tO bE aBLe tO rEacH thE goaLs in lyF anD to atTaiN aLL pLans iN thE fUtUrE witH mY bAby aNd mY loviNg hUsbAnd..
Body Type: Slim
Education: Post-Graduate
Job: Other
Region: Tarlac
Country: Philippines
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