Dani1995 Login
Full Name: Danielle
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sign: Pisces
Description: 5'1 BlONd BrowN Hair GrEen Grey BLuE BrOWn EyeS sLIm im 15 jusT LoOK aT My PicTUreS lOL ClotHES
Interests: EVERythINg lOL sPoRT, HOCkeY NeTBAll SOcCeR RuGBY. sINGing GUitaR My IdOl aNd iNspeRatiONs ArE MILeY CyRus ANd CELeNe DiON FRiendS LoL AnImalS HORse RIdinG My fAVe MOvIe Is FacE oFf AnD my Fave sONG IS wHeN I LooK at YOu BY MILeY CYrUS
Body Type: Slim
Education: High School
Region: SA
Country: Australia
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