Full Name: uzumaki_narut0
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Taurus
Description: im an adventur0us pers0n, kind hearted, d0wn2earth but sumtimes if pr0v0ked my wild side c0mes 2 life! Lol.. Im fond of trying out new things, experimenting, nd more experimenting.. you kn0w wat i mean ryt? Pm me if u want to kn0w me better..
Interests: Sori if im n0t able t0 accept ur frend requests c0z my friendLIST is currently FULL.. im reali sori 4 d inc0nvenience..
new acct. qlang 2 tp0s kaagad nafull tsk! U may just liv me sum gifts as an alternate frend request..
Body Type: Average
Education: University
Salary:> 100k
Country: Philippines