Full Name: +_cAThy_+
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Taurus
_0höh!¡! Eh'm bAck.,. W/ a neW Lyf, neW Me, and tHE neW laLAbx q0öh!!amf!! <+t0otXIe22+> h0oh0o.. Amf.. MY WaBXx.. 6iaW 6IaW.. AwMhf.. CatHY&t0otxiE #22!!_
_ahmf..!¡! BxtAHh.. I juSt waNT hIM F0revER, in mY SIde..!! LabXx yuU TOotxiE22 QOuh!! X>_
Body Type: Fit & toned
Education: High School
Job: Student
Salary: 0-10k
Region: Ewan!!!
Country: United States