aNgel_15 Login
Full Name: ,aNgel cAliNgasAn
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Aries
Description: ,i luv u,i truly @rily cAre.I try to essay the intensity of my LUV not oNly in the silEnce of the grEen but also in the sPlendor of the blue sky. My luv for u is dEeper than any ocean and it is greater than any nid in ur heart.
Interests: ,i shout my luv to u in the thundEr of the gReat waterfAlls, if you'd oNly realize how much I LUV and cAre.I LUV S0 MUCH!BABHE QUH,
Body Type: Slim
Education: High School
Job: Student
Region: IV_A
Country: Philippines
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