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Full Name: aww !! i forqEt haha justin bieber ?? jewk
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Virgo
Description: ~¤im jUsTin biEbEr LovEr FoRevEr xoxo LoLx ¤~ wEn i mEt u b0y mY hEaRt wenT kn0cK kn0cK n0w dEm buTtErfliEs in mY st0maCh w0n'T sTop sTop nD evEn th0ugH iTr a sTrUgGle lovE is oL wE gOt nD wE gon' keEp keEp cLimbinG tO tHe mOunTain ToP
Interests: TOP of mY inTerEsTs is JUSTIN DREW BIEBER ¤ c0lLecTinG q0uTex - heLLo kiTtY - jUstin BiebEr s0nGlYriCs&piCtUrex - c0oKinG oFc0urSe eaTinG jewK - hanGinG wiT mY fRenDX faMiLy sPeciaLy tO mY bFf Ivana - gaRdEninG - lovE sinGin - etC
Body Type: Slim
Education: High School
Job: Student
Country: Philippines
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