Full Name: PiPaX uHp In DiSS SH?tt!x fReeSTyLer Ox
Ethnicity: Mixed
Sign: Cancer
Description: I MiSS how my FAMiLY use2 be back when i was in qrade three climbin treez makn a livinq nw sh?tz qonE baD!x ii kAnT tUrn bAckK!x
Interests: break bonez virbalLy wit stickz n stonE takTikz,,4th dimention combat conventionz,, ryt rymez at eaz, wile it retractz alL the ententionz,, ment to put yhu away,, with a penciL piStol-afficial,, 69ary missole, why yhu risk yhur alL, MY RAP mre2qo»»
Body Type: Lots of love
Country: Australia