Bhey_19 Login
Full Name: "wEn" ()
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Leo
Description: Sumtyms m0ody,bt fun 2 b w/,a haPpy perSon,bt bhind dos smyL,i had a heArtaChe,dat untiL n0w w8ng 4 sum1 2 curE it,& n0w i luv sum1 hu d0snt knw dat i luv him,i cnt tel him c0z he already luv sum1 else,oL i knw sumdy sum1s g0nNa tke his pLaCe"
Interests: I love danCng,suRfinG nEt,WRitiNg p0etrY SPecialy wen im insPireD,REading interEstiNg bo0k,trAvEliNg,m8ng new frnds,a real 1,n0t 0nly display in my fL,& last,i want 2 have a cryus reL,a guy hu wil purely luv and aCcpt me 4 hu i am,an**** d same"
Body Type: Slim
Job: Customer Support
Salary: 10k-20k
Region: III...pAmpAngA
Country: Philippines
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