Full Name: cheLLe .. ö
Sign: Leo
Description: mbAit, sweet, MAKULIT !! LOL ..
cute dw
, madaldal , maingay , maguLo .. may pgkasery0so , mdrama minsan , SELOSA , attenti0n seeker .. th0ughtfuL , super pinapahalagahan ang friendshp lalo na pg cl0se tayo . :D fun to be with kse kaLog .. ü
Interests: i l0ve talking to people to whom i can learn different things and can teach me h0w to l0ve this life n0 matter h0w unfair it is.. ü i want to meEt s0meone whom i cAn trust and will serve as an "eye opener" f0r me .. h0pe to find him/her s0on.. ö
Education: University
Country: Philippines